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How to completely change your perspective

Once upon a time in a land not too far, far away, there were church newsletters. They came with regularity to a mailbox in front of your house, and you could read with great interest all the wonderful activities that your house of worship was doing and would be doing in the upcoming weeks. It was awesome!

You may be wondering why Bethany Christian Church no longer sends one of these magical mailpieces. The answer is quite simple... information travels in 2016 at the speed of your internet connection. News is quick and convenient to obtain without having to wait for the mailman to deliver. Most Bethany members have been receiving their news via email for several years now. If you would like to receive the weekly Bethany e-News, email so that you too may be informed of all the latest and greatest.

In the coming weeks, watch for blog articles here by Senior Minister Mike Wood. And keep in mind, while the way you receive church communications has evolved, the message is still the same as it was when Jesus proclaimed in Luke 4: "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God..."

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